
The Springfield Singers are an award-winning, friendly, vibrant female voice choir based in Lydney,Gloucestershire. With about 24 members, the choir prides itself not just on top quality singing, but having great fun, whether it's in rehearsal or performance.

The choir are conducted by Sarah Waycott, a talented professional musician and accompanied on the piano by Annette Pagliaro, a highly accomplished pianist, musician and busy singing teacher

We sing a huge variety of music, be it gospel, pop, classical, show songs, madrigals, African chants, jazz, folk or Disney and are always open to a bit of choreography.

The choir sings published works, songs learnt aurally and music arranged specially for the choir. For this reason, any song requests are very welcome!

The Springfield Singers are open to ladies of all ages and welcomes all levels of vocal training, including ex-choristers, bathroom belters, hairbrush divas and those who have never sung in a choir before. New members are always welcome to come and give it a try, without an audition. See the join page for more details. (Go on, you might just enjoy it..!)